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1.         Article of Organization (公司注册文件)

2.         EIN, Form SS-4 (联邦报税号码)

3.         EFTPS online login & Pin (联邦预缴税账户和密码)

4.         Any State and City or Local online ID & Password (任何州或市的网络用户名和密码)

5.         Sale and Use Tax Returns 2016 to current (销售税表从2016到现在)

6.         Payroll Tax Returns last four quarters (员工税表最近4个月的)

7.         Employees Earning Statements details for Current Year (今年的员工报税细节)

8.         Income Tax Returns for all years (最近三年公司年结报表)

9.         Depreciation / Amortization Schedules (资产折旧表)

10.       Any other statement or document which client has provided to you or directly received     from IRS, State and Local government                         (任何有关税务的信件)

11.       General ledgers and journal entries made for all years (所有年度总账和日记账务)

12.       Income Statements and Balance Sheets  (资产付债表)


Please fill in the form in the download link. If it is not convenient to visit, you can email us. If you have any questions, please feel free to call us.

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